Dr. LEE Shu Kam
Head of Department
Associate Professor
Director, Business, Economic and Public Policy Research Centre
E-mail: sklee@hksyu.edu
Office: RHB 432
Telephone number: 2804 8545
Office Hour
Academic and Professional Qualifications
- PhD., Economics, University of Stirling, UK.
- MA, Econometrics, University of Manchester, U.K.
- PGD (Distinction), Economic and Social Statistics, University of Manchester, UK.
- Diploma, Economics, Hong Kong Shue Yan College
Research Interests
- Economic Modeling
- Business, Economic and Public Policy Issues
Community and Academic Services
- Court Member of Hong Kong Baptist University
- Research Fellow of INTI International University, Malaysia
- School Manager, Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
- Member, Advisory Group, Financial Education for Young Adults, The Investor and Financial Education Council. HKSAR
- Head, Secondary, Primary Schools, and Continuing Education Department, The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong
- School Supervisor, Pooi To Middle School
- School Manager, Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
- School Manager Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School
- Vice chairman, Board of Directors, Family Blessing Missionary
- Member, Board of Directors, Family value Foundation of Hong Kong
- Advisory Committee Member, Centre for life and Ethic Studies, The Society for Truth and Light
- Non-panel reviewer, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, HKSAR
- Member, Committee on Labour Relations, Committees of the Labour Advisory Board, HKSAR (until 31 March 2021)
- Member, Task Force on Manpower Development of the Retail Industry, HKSAR (until 31 March 2021)
Courses Taught
- Basic Macroeconomics
- Basic Microeconomics
- Economic Modeling
- Introduction to Economics
- Introductory Econometrics
- Mathematical Economics
UGC Funded Research Projects
- PI: "Unifying Framework for Structural Efficiency" funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC/FDS15/E02/21) with Li, Sung Ko, Co-I, Woo, Kai Yin Co-I; Shum, Paul (Co-I)"
- Co-I: "Empirical Tests of Economic Integration and Estimates of Transaction Costs: A Study of Belt and Road Initiative" funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) (UCG/FDS15/B06/20) (with Woo, Kai Yin, Co-I, Au, Wing-Kwong, Co-I and Wong, Wing-Keung, Co-I), 2021-2022.
- PI: "Nonlinear Cointegration and Relevant Market Definition: A study of Grocery Markets" funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC/FDS15/B06/14) (with Wo, Kai Yin, CO-I, and Shum Paul , Co-I), 2015 – 2017.
- 李樹甘主編 (作者: 林皓賢、霍揚揚、德詩婷)《靈基壹築:見證百年香港社區故事》(2024) ,ISBN:9786269901722
- 李樹甘、羅玉芬主編《宗教與香港-從融合到融洽》(2018),優質教育基金
- 李樹甘主編,《香港宗教與社區發展》(2016),優質教育基金
- 李樹甘、曾俊基主編,《認識香港經濟支柱: 旅遊及零售行業》(2015),優質教育基金
- 李樹甘、吳祖堯 《勞資矛盾的危.機 — 勞工政策與勞工短缺的分析》(2014) ,香港:明報出版社, 12/2014. ISBN: 9789888207671
- 李樹甘編著《標準工時或彈性工時—促進作息平衡的政策選擇》(2012),香港:策匯傳信,8/2012. ISBN: 9789881842763
- 余赴禮、李樹甘、袁偉基主編《奧地利經濟學派的思想及其應用》(2012),香港:策匯傳信,9/2012. ISBN: 9789881842756
- Yu, Fu.Lai, Lee, Shu-kam and Yuen, Wai Kai (2011) (eds). Economy and Society in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Studies in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Institutions, Hong Kong & Taiwan: Ovis Press, Dec, ISBN: 9789881842732
- 李樹甘、楊偉文《香港與內地經濟整合研究》(2010),香港:策匯傳信。ISBN(HK): 978-988-18427-2-5. 台灣: 9789868669802
- 王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編《市場經濟發展:國際視角與中國經驗》(2006),北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2006年4月。 ISBN: 9787802300415
- 王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編,《CEPA與新世紀的內地香港經濟關係》(2005),北京:中國發展出版社,2005年1月。ISBN: 7800877795
Selected Referred Articles
- Tsang, Chun Kei, Li, Sung Ko, Lee, Shu Kam Assessing the Efficiency of Hong Kong Public Hospital Sector During COVID-19 Pandemic: An Input-oriented Structural Efficiency Approach. Advances in Decision Sciences. Accepted.
- Li, Sung Ko, Tsang, Chun Kei TSANG, Lee, Shu Kam, Xinju H. (2024). Regular Variable Returns to Scale Production Frontier and Efficiency Measurement, Operations Research. Nov, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2021.0470
- Lee, Shu-kam, Shum, Kwok-ching Paul, Hin-to Lee, Hugo, Woo, Kai Yin (2024), Purchasing power parity between China and selected BRI countries in Asia, Advances in Decision Sciences.
- Li, Sung Ko; Tsang, Chun Kei; Lee, Shu Kam. (2024). “Partially Convex Production Technology and Efficiency Measurement.” Journal of Productivity Analysis 62, 303–320.
- Li, Sung Ko; Tsang, Chun Kei; Lee, Shu Kam. (2023). “Selecting Proxies for Inputs with Limited Data in Data Envelopment Analysis.” International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science 10(10): 21 – 27.
- Lee, Shu-kam., Shum, Paul Kwok-ching & Woo, Kai-yin. (2023). Tests of goods market integration between China and African BRI countries, International Studies of Economics formerly known as Frontiers of Economics in China.
- Lee, Shu-kam., Lam, Lubanski & Woo, Kai-yin. (2023). Tests of goods market integration between China and European Countries: A nonlinear nonparametric approach, China Economic Journal, DOI: 10.1080/17538963.2023.2277976.
- Lee, Shu-kam Lee, Hugo Hin-to LEE and Woo Kai-yin, Long-run validity of purchasing power parity between China and the post-soviet BRI countries, Empirical Economics letters, Apr. 2023, vol. 22(4).
- CHENG Tsz Wan Louis, Lee, Shu-kam, Li, Sung Ko, Tsang, Chun Kei. Understanding Resource Deployment Efficiency for ESG and Financial Performance: A DEA Approach, Research in International Business and Finance, Apr. 2023, vol. 65, article no. 101941.
- Woo, Kai-yin, Lee, Shu-kam and Shum, Kwok-ching. (2022). Nonparametric cointegration tests for price convergence within the Greater Bay Area of China. The Chinese Economy 2022, vol. 55, issue 6, 410-424.
- Li, Sung Ko, Tsang, Chun Kei and Lee, Shu Kam (2021), Sustainable Development of the China Tourism Sector: Implication from Technical and Scale efficiency Measurements, Chinese Economy, The Chinese Economy, Vol 54, Issue 4, pp. 262-271.
- Woo, Kai Yin, Lee, Shu Kam and Shum, Paul Kwok (2021), Evidence on PPP with China along the Belt and Road using the Three-regime TAR Cointegration Tests, Empirical Economics, 60, pp. 2391–2405.
- Woo, Kai Yin, Lee Shu-kam, Chan, Alan (2020). Food price convergence in Canada: A nonparametric and nonlinear cointegration analysis, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 40, No.3, pp. 2361-2371.
- Woo, Kai Yin, Lee, Shu Kam and Ng, Cho-Yiu Joe (2019), “An investigation into the dynamic relationship between CPI and PPI: evidence from the UK, France and Germany, Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 64, No. 05, pp. 1081-1100.
- Chan, Alan and Lee, Shu-Kam (2019), The culture of giving: at the crossroads of religious and non-religious donations, Atlantic Canada Economic Review, Vol 1 No 1.
- Woo, Kai Yin and Lee, Shu Kam (2018), Price Convergence in the UK Supermarket Chains: Evidence from non-linear cointegration approach, Economics and Business Letters, 7(3),115-125.
- 李樹甘,提升青年競爭力:軟技能與持續發展(2017),青年研究學報,2017年7月第27卷,第2期,總第40號,頁61-71.
- Chui, Wing Yip, Lee, Shu kam, Mok, Yuk-Lan and Tsang, Chun-Kei (2017), The diagnostic criteria of gambling disorder of DSM-5 in Chinese culture: By confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), in Leung, Man- Tak and Tan, Lee-Ming (eds.), Applied Psychology Readings, pp.73-86, Springer Verlag, Singapore.
- Shum, Paul, Woo, Kai Yin and Lee, Shu Kam (2018), “Rank tests for price convergence in Australian beverage markets”, Applied Economics Letters.,” Volume 25, Issue 12. 862-866
- Woo, Kai Yin, Lee, Shu Kam and Shum, Paul (2017), Analysis of threshold cointegration with asymmetric adjustments in the Hong Kong grocery industry, Applied Economics, 49, 5591-5560.
- Chui, Wing Yip, Lee, Shu Kam Lee and Tsang, Chun Kei (2016), "Father Involvement in Hong Kong: By multitrait-multimethod model and item response theory (IRT)", Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 333–344.
- Chan, Alan and Lee Shu-kam (2016), “Determinants of Religious and Secular Donations in Canada”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, 12, No.1.
- Lee, shu-kam., Samuel, Edith., & Chan, Alan. (2016). “E-Health: Characteristics of Canadians Using the Internet for Health Information” Journal of Disease and Global Health, 6(1), 15-24.
- Samuel, Edith, Chan, Alan and Lee, Shu-Kam. 2016. “Volunteer Engagement, Indirect Compensation and Youth Experience”. The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 3 (9).
- Alan Chan, Fawcett, Bruce G., Lee Shu-Kam, (2015) "Increasing revenue and attendance in Canadian Baptist churches", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 42 Iss: 12, pp.1071 – 1089
- Woo, Kai Yin, Lee Shu-kam, Chan, Alan (2014), Nonlinear adjustments to intranational PPP, Journal of Macroeconomics, 40, 360–371.
- Chan, Alan and Lee, Shu-Kam , (2014) "Individual religious involvements in America across time", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 41 Iss: 2, 109-122
- Chan, Alan and Lee, Shu-kam (2013), Education plans, Personal challenges and Academic difficulties: an empirical study on Self disclosure among post-90 teens in Hong Kong, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 19:4, 468-483
- Lam, Tin-yan and Lee, Shu-kam (2012), Family Ownership, Board Committees and Firm Performance: Evidence from Hong Kong, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, April. Volume 12 Issue 3, 6–10.
- Lee, Shu-kam, Woo, Kai-yin and Yeung, Raymond W. M (2011), The impact of the financial tsunami on the process of price index convergence in China: a time varying parameter approach, Chinese Economy, Volume 44, Number 3 / May-June.
- Chan, Alan, Lee, Shu-Kam, MacDonald, Robert A. and Woo, Kai-Yin (2010), Does Price really Converge among Provinces in Canada? A Study using Unit Root Tests for Cross-sectional Panels”, (with), Journal of US-China Public Administration, Vol. 7, p.47-55.
- Chan, Alan, Lee, Shu-kam, and Yeung, Raymond W. M (2010), Holistic Struggles and Judgmental Behaviors in the Workplace, Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, vol 13, Dec .
- Woo, Kai-yin and Lee, Shu-kam (2009), Detecting Intra-National PPP Model in China: A Median-Unbiased Estimation Approach, Economic Modelling, Volume 26, Issue 5, September, 1029-1032.
- Chan, Alan and Lee, Shu-kam (2009), Christ and Business Culture: Another Classification of Christians in Work Places, The Journal of Market and Morality, Spring 2009, vol. 12, no. 1.
- Lam, Tin-yan and Lee, Shu-kam (2008), CEO Duality and Firm Performance: Evidence from Hong Kong, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, No.3, 8(3), 299 - 316.
- Chan, Hing-Lin., Lee, Shu-kam and Woo, Kai-yin (2006), Model Misspecification versus Price Bubbles: Evidence from the Asian Stock Markets, in Albert Tavidze (ed), Progress in Economics Research, volume 10.
- Lee, Shu-kam, Szeto, Wing-fu and Lam, Chi-fai (2005), An Empirical Study of the Economic Connection between Guangdong and Hong Kong, Chinese Economy, Issue 2.
- Wright, P. C., Szeto Wing-fu and Lee, Shu-kam (2003), Ethical Perceptions in China: The Reality of Business Ethics in an International Context, Management Decision, Volume 41 Number 2 2003, pp. 180 – 189.
- Ma, Y., Lee, Shu-kam and Chan, H.L (2003), Estimating Firm Behavior Under Rationing: A Panel Data Study of the Chinese Manufacturing Industry, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Volume 1, Number 2 / May, 221 - 244.
- Chan, Hing-Lin., H.L., Lee, Shu-kam and Woo, Kai-yin (2003), An Empirical Investigation of Price and Exchange Rate Bubbles During the Inter-war European Hyperinflations, International Review of Economics and Finance, 12, PP.327-344.
- Chan, Hing-Lin, Lee, Shu-kam and Woo, Kai-yin (2001), Detecting Rational Bubbles in the Residential Housing Markets of Hong Kong, Economic Modelling, 18, pp. 61-73.
- Chan, Hing-Lin, . and Lee, Shu-kam (1999), Employment Policy and Productive Efficiency as Alternative Managerial Objectives, in Y.Y. Kueh, Joseph C. H. Chai and Gang Fang (eds.), Industrial Reforms and Macroeconomic Instability in China, pp. 87-102, Oxford University (the Clarendon) Press.
- Chan, Hing-Lin and Lee, Shu-kam(1997), Modelling and Forecasting the Demand for Coal in China, Energy Economics, Sep, Vol.19, pp. 271-287.
- Chan, Hing-Lin. and Lee, Shu-kam (1996), Forecasting the Demand for Energy in China, The Energy Journal, Vol 17, No.1, PP. 19-30.
Other Academic and Professional Articles
- 李樹甘(2015)《飲食業良好人事管理措施研究》 ( Research on “Good People Management Measures” in Catering Industry) (In Chinese), Labour Department, HKSAR, March 13, 2015.
- Woo, Kai Yin and Lee, Shu Kam (2015) Simulation of Critical Values for GLS (Momentum) Threshold Autoregressive Cointegration Tests” Working Paper, forthcoming
- 零售業面對的困難及挑戰 — 探討零售業的勞工短缺問題, Invited article, Human Resources Managers Club Newsletter(勞資協商人力資源經理會會訊), Labour Department, January 2015
- LEE, Shu kam, Ng, Cho-Yiu Joe and Woo, Kai-Yin (2014), “Evidence from asymmetric adjustment and causality between consumer and producer prices in the four selected European economies”, Working Paper, HKSYU
- Woo, Kai Yin, Lee, Shu Kam and Chan, Alan (2013), Threshold adjustments to intra-national PPP in Canada, HKSYU Working Paper Series, August
- Lee, Shu Kam and Ng, Cho Yiu (2013), The introspection of Hong Kong as Asia’s International City. HKU EFSI Digest. Issue II
- Lee, Shu Kam and Ng, Cho Yiu (2012), On the Conflict resolution of Labour Relation in Hong Kong, HKU EFSI Digest. Issue 1, Oct
- Lee, Shu-kam, Woo, Kai-yin and Yeung, Raymond W. M. (2011). The Process of Price Convergence in China, in Yu, Fu.Lai, Lee, Shu-kam and Yuen, Wai.Kee (2011) (eds), Economy and Society in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Studies in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Institutions, Hong Kong: Ovis Press
- Lee, Shu-kam (2009), Welfare Analysis of Family-friendly Policy in Hong Kong (in Chinese), in Chan, Wing-ho (ed), Papers on family friendly Policy, Centre for Life and Ethics Studies, The Society for Truth and Light, Sep, 48-56
- 林天恩、李樹甘(2009) ,《家族控制,董事會的領導架構與公司的經營績效:香港的驗証》, Working Paper Series, February 2009, Department of Economics & Finance, Shue Yan University
- Woo, Kai-yin and Lee, Shu-kam (2007), Goods Market Integration and Half-Life Measurement Across Chinese Regions, Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, HKSYU, Dec
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (2007) ,《香港基督徒職場倫理判斷行為建模:「多項分類回歸方程」的應用》,Working Paper Series, HKSYU, April
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (2006) ,〈跨業集團經營模式對市場經濟的影響 — 香港超級市場個案研究〉,《市場經濟發展:國際視角與中國經驗》,王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2006年4月,第321–341頁。
- 李樹甘、胡佳賢(2006) ,〈中國內地市場一體化進程的實証檢驗〉,《市場經濟發展:國際視角與中國經驗》,王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2006年4月,第140–152頁。
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (2005) ,〈香港與內地經濟融合的實證檢驗〉,《CEPA與新世紀的內地香港經濟關係》,王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編,北京:中國發展出版社,2005年1月,第18–39頁。
- 李樹甘、林志輝 (2005),〈粵港經濟關係相互影響的實證分析〉,《CEPA與新世紀的內地香港經濟關係》,王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編,北京:中國發展出版社,2005年1月,,中國發展出版社,2005年1月,第145–160頁。
- 司徒永富、李樹甘﹑蔡啟恩(2002),〈全球化與中國商業倫理〉,《經濟全球化與跨地區文化傳播》,鍾期榮主編,浙江大學出版,2002年12月。ISBN 7-308-03232-9/G.589
- 李樹甘、胡佳賢 (2001),<股票分析員可信嗎?—- 預測能力的評估>,樹仁學報 ,第二期,2001年出版,第194-199頁。
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (2000),〈全球化、數位革命和中國「入世」下的香港經濟發展戰略性思考〉,《再創中國經濟奇蹟》,胡耀蘇、劉美珣主編,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2000,第298–308頁。
- Lee, Shu-kam and Chan, H.L (2000), Education Policies and Regional Development in China, Working Paper Series, Hong Kong Shue Yan College.
- Lee, Shu-kam, Woo, Kai-yin and Chan, H.L. (2000), Empirical Studies of Price Bubbles during the Chinese Hyperinflation of Years 1946-49 , Working Paper Series, Hong Kong Shue Yan College.
- Lee, Shu-kam, Woo, Kai-yin and Chan, H.L. (2000), Bubbles, Misspecification Errors and Nonstationary Estimation: A Study of the Property Market in Hong Kong, Working Paper Series, Hong Kong Shue Yan College.
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (2000),〈中國「入世」與香港經濟發展的前景〉,《經濟與法律》,2000,第89期,第33–34頁。
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (2000),〈香港與內地產業發展的關聯度分析及兩地合作發展服務產業策略〉,《香港與內地服務產業鏈策論》,《建立香港與內地服務產業鏈的戰略構思與對策研究》課題組主編,北京:中國經濟出版社,2000,97–226。
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (1999),〈南北關係、全球化與可持續發展〉,《大波動:世界經濟全球化的衝擊》,張德修、王躍生、巫寧耕主編,北京:經濟日報出版社,1999,第293–309頁。
- Chan, H.L., Lee, Shu-kam and Ma, Y.(1999), How Does Rationing Affect the Behavior of a Firm?, BRC Papers on China, No. CP99007, BRC, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Chan, H.L. Lee, Shu-kam and Li S.K., (1998), Regional Inequalities and Economic Growth in China, (in Chinese), in Hu, Y.S. and Lu, X.Y. (eds), China’s Economic Liberalisation and Transformation in Social Structure, pp.230-238, the Social Science Literature Press
- 潘志昌、李樹甘、胡佳賢 (1998),<從長期均衡匯率決定看人民幣及港幣匯率的走勢>,《金融監管與風險防範:國際經濟專家論東亞金融危機》,北京大學國際經濟研究所編,經濟日報出版社,1998年8月出版,第80-91頁。
- Lee, Shu-kam and Chan, H.L. (1996), The Demand for Money in China: Monetization, Cointegration and Stability, Working Paper Series, Hong Kong Shue Yan College, November
- Lee, Shu-kam and Chan, H.L. (1994), Energy Consumption in Reforming China, BRC Papers on China, No. CP94015, BRC, Hong Kong Baptist University
Professional Reports
- 李樹甘、曾俊基 (2022) ,《香港基督徒移民意願與生活狀況研究》,明光社生命及倫理研究中心
- 李樹甘、曾俊基、黃嘉雯 (2021) ,《香港基督徒心理狀態、信仰生命 及社會參與研究》,明光社生命及倫理研究中心
- 李樹甘、李家文、林皓賢編著(2019),《詠春的傳承與保育》, 衞奕信勳爵文物信託.
- 李樹甘、曾俊基、高朗賢 (2020) ,《觀塘行人網絡的改善方案研究報告》. 官塘區議會
- 李樹甘、曾俊基、高朗賢 (2018) ,《石仔嶺花園安老院搬遷意見調查」報告》,石仔嶺安老服務聯會
- 李樹甘、沈國正、曾俊基、高朗賢 (2018) ,《智慧城市的發展: 改善官塘區交通擠塞的方案研究報告》,官塘區議會
- 李樹甘、羅玉芬主編 (2018) 《宗教與香港-從融合到融洽》,優質教育基金
- 李樹甘、曾俊基、高朗賢 (2017) ,《工時政策方向諮詢》,勞工處
- 李樹甘等著(2015) ,《香港青年競爭力指標系統研究》青年事務委員會委託調查研究,2015年3月。
- 李樹甘等著(2015) ,《編制飲食業良好人事管理指引促進家庭友善僱傭措施研究》,勞工處飲食業三方小組委託調查研究,2015年3月。
- 李樹甘等著(2015) ,《父親參與教養模式研究》,香港樹仁大學商業、經濟及公共政策研究中心,2015。
- 李樹甘等著(2014) ,《2014世界盃前後賭風調查》,香港樹仁大學商業、經濟及公共政策研究中心,2014。
- 李樹甘、曾俊基 (2014) ,《流動通訊軟件與家庭關係改善研究報告》,香港樹仁大學商業、經濟及公共政策研究中心,2014。
- 李樹甘、林昊輝 (2013),《研究報告: 香港零售業現時面對的困難、局限、優勢、未來挑戰與提升香港零售業競爭力的策略》香港樹仁大學經濟及公共政策研究中心2013年11月, ISBN: 978-988-16292-0-3.
- 李樹甘、楊偉文 (2012) ,《法定最低工資條例對香港營商環境影響問卷調查研究報告》, 香港樹仁大學商業、經濟及公共政策研究中心。2012 年 5 月
Conference Papers
- Cheng, L.T.W., Tsang, C.K., Lee, S.K., and Li, S.K. (2022) Understanding Resource Deployment Efficiency for ESG and Financial Performance: a DEA approach. International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Business: A Sustainable Perspective, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.
- Li, S.K., Tsang, C.K., Lee, S.K. (2021). Selecting Proxies for Inputs/ Outputs with Limited Data in Data Envelopment Analysis. First Virtual African Productivity Conference, ISEAPA. Conference paper.
- Li, S.K., Tsang, C.K., Lee, S.K. (2021). S-shaped Production Function and Efficiency Measurement First Virtual African Productivity Conference, ISEAPA. Conference paper.
- Lee, Shu-kam, Woo, Kai-yin and Shum, Paul, Evaluation of the One Belt, One Road Initiative through the Lens of, Nonlinear Adjustment Analysis in Real Exchange Rates, Beijing Forum 2015, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and Peking University, Beijing, November 6-8, 2015
- Woo Kai-Yin, Lee Shu-Kam and Paul Shum, Dynamic relationship between price indexes of groceries sold in supermarkets and non-supermarkets in Hong Kong, The 11th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Hayek Society, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, August 7-8, 2015.
- Lee, Shu-Kam and Ng, Cho-Yiu. The Compatibility between Economic Growth and the Environment in Asian Countries: Analysis with Property Rights. International Conference for the Economic and Financial Challenges and Issues in the Asia-Pacific Countries, The Research Institute of Economics and Management of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets, Chengdu, China from June 29 to July 1, 2012.
- Lee, Shu-kam, Woo, Kai-yin and Yeung, W. M.(2012), Freedom and Economic Growth, The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Hayek Society, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
- Lee, Shu-kam, Welfare Analysis of Family-friendly Policy (2009, in Chinese), Conference on Family-friendly Policy in Hong Kong, May, 2009, Centre for Applied Ethics, Hong Kong Baptist University.
- Lee, Shu-kam, Woo Kai-yin and Yeung, Raymond, W.M (2009), The impact of the financial tsunami on the process of price index convergence in China: a time varying parameter approach, Workshop on Challenges of the China Economy and Financial Markets under Financial Tsunami, Department of Business Administration, Hong Kong Shue Yan University and The Chinese Economy.
- Lee,Shu-kam, “Family Values and the Modern Society (2008, in Chinese) International Conference on Family Values 2008, Hong Kong Baptist University, 9-11 May 2008
- Lee, Shu Kam and Yeung, Wai-man, “Factors affecting Christians’ Work place ethics in Hong Kong (2004, in Chinese)”, paper presented in 1st Conference on Integration of Faith and Studies, City University of Hong Kong, June, 2004
- Lee, Shu-kam, “Input Demand Functions of Firms Under Rationing: A Time Varying Parameter Panel Approach to Chinese energy demand,” paper presented at the Departmental Workshop of Economics Department, University of Stirling, December 1997.
- Chan, H.L. and Lee, Shu-kam, “Forecasting the Demand for Coal in China,” (1996, in Chinese), Paper presented at the International Conference on Quantitative Analysis of Chinese Issues, organised by the University Service Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, June, 1996.