Personal Finance Ambassador Programme 2024
Five students from the Department of Economics and Finance formed a team “Financial Trap Spotters” participating in the Personal Finance Ambassador Programme 2024. They present their financial education project at the Presentation and Award Ceremony on 18 January 2025 and received a Bronze Award...

由樹仁大學經融系同學蘇珈漩和蔡文朗組成的三人團隊「Let’s Fire」參加首屆2024匯豐中國未來商業領袖挑戰賽,在決賽中勇奪全國三等獎!名列全國第六......


Our student won the Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research Proposal Award
Mr. Chung Yiu Wing, Brian won the Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research Proposal Award. Mentored by Dr. Philip Lee, Brian’s proposal “The Influence of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) on Crisis Responses: A Case Study of JPEX Scandal in Hong Kong”...

Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2023
Three teams of our students were awarded “Certificate of Merit”, and another two teams were awarded “Certificate of Excellence” in the Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2023 this year...

FinTech Students Won the Championship of Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2022
The team Money Club composed of four FinTech students, Mr. Zou Hankang (team leader), Mr. Xu Zixuan, Mr. Chen Zhen and Mr. He Shengzhen, won the championship of Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2022......

Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2021
Two SYU teams were awarded with “Certificate of Merit” in the Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2021......

Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2019
To arouse the awareness of wealth management among young generation, E&F students were encouraged to participate the above captioned competition for preparing and presenting a wealth planning proposal. Under the guidance of Dr. Edward Tang and Dr. K.Y. Woo, a team of students won the third runner-up.....

HKSI Institute Scholarship programme 2020
Five final-year students were Awardees of the HKSI Institute Scholarship upon submission of an essay. Further, one of them was selected to be the Finalist with top performance in the essay.


CFA Institute Research Challenge 2018-19
Five year-four students entered the final round and presented their investment research report in the Hong Kong Local Final Presentation and Award Ceremony cum Career Advice Panel.

CFA Institute Research Challenge 2019-20
Four final year students entered the final round and presented their investment research report in the Hong Kong Local Final Presentation and Award Ceremony in a virtual format

Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2018
E&F students received second runner-up of the competition, the Certificate of Excellent Presentation and the Certificate of Merits. Well done!

CFA Institute Research Challenge Hong Kong Local Final 2017-18
Four final-year students took part in the CFA Institute Research Challenge Hong Kong. Three of them attended the Hong Kong Local Final Presentation and Award Ceremony cum Career Advice Panel.

Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2017
E&F students received the Certificate of Excellent Presentation and the Certificate of Merits in the competition. Congratulations!

HKIB Top candidates Prize Ceremony, 2017
Cheng Ka Yi (2017 graduate) was awarded with Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Prize.

Regional Winner - “Junior Nobel Prize”
Mak Cho Kei (Year 4) was awarded the Regional Winner in the Economics category of The Undergraduate Awards (often referred to as a “Junior Nobel Prize”).

CFA Institute Research Challenge Hong Kong Local Final 2016-17
Four final-year students entered the final round and presented their investment research report in the Hong Kong Local Final Presentation and Award Ceremony cum Career Advice Panel.

Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2015
Congratulations to the E&F team on winning third runner-up in the Final.

Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2014
We are the champions!

CFA Institute Research Challenge Hong Kong Local Final 2014-15
Four final-year students took part in the CFA Institute Research Challenge Hong Kong. They presented their investment research report in the Hong Kong Local Final Presentation and Award Ceremony cum Career Advice Panel.