Assistant Professor
E-mail: wmyeung@hksyu.edu
Office: RHB 436
Telephone number: 2804 8530
Office Hour
Academic and Professional Qualifications
- PhD, Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China.
- MSocSc., Money, Banking and Finance, The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- Honours Diploma in Economics, Hong Kong Shue Yan College, Hong Kong.
Membership of Professional / Academic Associations
- Member, The Hong Kong Society of Asia Pacific Twenty One (AP21)
- Life Member, Hong Kong Association for China Graduates (HKACG)
- Research Fellow, Sustainable Real Estate Research Center, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
- Committee Member, Business, Economic and Public Policy Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 2012 – 2017.
Community Services
- Member of the Programme Validation Panel (PVP), HKCT Institute of Higher Education, Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Master of Science in Digital Economy and Digital Technology, 2024.
- Course Consultant, The Chinese Institute of Certified Financial Planners (Hong Kong Branch),2020 – 2022.
- Moderator, From FPS to RMB Digitization: The Future of Currency, organized by Greater Bay Area International Information Technology Industry Association, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, The University of Macau, and the Guangdong University of Finance. In Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong, China, 23 October 2021.
- External Examiner, The Community College at Lingnan University (CCLU) at Social Sciences Programme from 2012 – 2015.
- Commentator, South China Morning Post in Chinese (南華早報中文網), 2013 – 2014.
- Columnist, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly (信報財經月刊), 2011–2014.
Paper Reviewer
- AIB Asia Pacific Regional Conference (Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Chapter)
- International Journal of Services and Standards (IJSS)
- Qeios (Columbia University)
- Social Transformations in Chinese Societies (The Hong Kong Sociological Association)
Research Interests
- Chinese Economic Area (CEA)
- Global Political Economy
- Urban Economics (Employment, Retirement, Pension, Poverty, and Real Estate)
- Monetary Economics
Research Awards
- First Class Research, Expert Team at Office of Planning and Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Beijing, China in 2000.
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Economics/ Principles of Economics/ Basic Microeconomics/ Basic Macroeconomics
- The Economy of Hong Kong
- The Economy of Contemporary China
- Urban and Regional Economics
- Urban and Real Estate Economics
- Economics and Ethics
- Introduction to Financial Derivatives
- Seminar on Global Economic Environment
- Seminar on Global Financial Environment
- Internship
- 〈日本“積極寬鬆性貨幣政策”的經濟成效研究〉,《投資與合作》, 2023年,第5期,第196 – 198 頁。(與彭偉升合著)
- 〈淺析香港東盟自貿協定對香港經濟發展的影響〉,《紫荊論壇》,2018年 3 – 4月號,總第38期,第26 – 31 頁。
- 〈“一帶一路” 對東盟十國政經影響評估〉,《文明對話:一帶一路與東南亞國際學術研討會論文集》,新加坡:創新基金有限公司,2018,第131 – 153頁。
- 〈分析中國東盟政經關係,探討香港經濟發展契機〉,《紫荊論壇》,2017年 9 – 10 月號,總第35期,第32 – 37 頁。
- The Impact of “Belt and Road” Policy on Hong Kong Economic Development (in Chinese). Journal of Youth Studies, 2017, Vol.20, No.1, 3 – 15.
- 〈漲勢放緩,香港樓市漸近黃昏〉,《紫荊論壇》,2017年 1 – 2 月號,總第31期,第78 – 85 頁。
- 〈人工智能與蝴蝶效應挑戰金融業探析〉,《紫荊論壇》,2016年 5-6號,總第27期,第 67 – 70 頁。
- 〈從區選結果觀察「傘兵」當選選區特點〉,《紫荊論壇》,2016年 1-2號,總第25期,第 40 – 47 頁。
- 〈「一帶一路」戰略意義和香港的發展機遇〉,《紫荊論壇》,2015年 11-12號,總第24期,第 30 – 34 頁。(with Thomas W K Yuen)
- A Study on the Feasibility of Implementing a Universal Retirement Protection Scheme in Hong Kong based on Overseas Experience (in Chinese). Journal of Youth Studies, 2015, Vol.18, No.1, 3 – 18.
- A Study on the Youth Competitiveness Indicator System in Hong Kong (in Chinese) commissioned by the Commission on Youth (CoY), HKSAR. 2015. (with S.K. Lee, Rita Y. M. Li, K. Y. Woo and Researchers of Business, Economic and Public Policy Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University)
- Globalization and the Role of Multinationals. In International Economic Development: Leading Issues and Challenges, edited by Tony F. L. Yu, Thomas W. K. Yuen and Diana S. Kwan, London: Routledge, 2014, 52 – 77. (with Paul K. C. Shum, Joe F.K. Wong and Thomas W. K. Yuen)
- 〈「作息平衡」政策有利吸納人才〉,〈標準工時政策帶來僱傭狀況不穩定〉及〈「作息平衡」政策的核心精神〉,載於《標準工時或彈性工時:促進作息平衡的政策選擇》,李樹甘主編,香港:策匯傳信,2012。
- 《法定最低工資條例對香港營商環境影響問卷調查研究報告》,香港:香港樹仁大學,商業、經濟及公共政策研究中心,2012 年5月。(with S. K. Lee)
- The Process of Price Convergence in China. In: Tony Yu F. L., Lee S. K. and Yuen W. K., ed. 2011. Economy and Society in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Studies in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Institutions. Hong Kong: Ovis Press, 91 – 108. (with S.K. Lee & K.Y. Woo)
- Impact of the Financial Tsunami on the Convergence of the Consumer Price Index in China, The Chinese Economy, 2011 (May – June), 44, 71 – 83. (with K.Y. Woo & S. K. Lee)
- Holisyic Struggles and Judgmental Behaviors in the Workplace: An Empirical Study of Hong Kong Christians. The Journal of Biblical Integration in Business (JBIB), 2011, 13, 46 – 70. (with Alan Chan & S.K. Lee)
- 《香港與內地經濟整合研究》,香港:策匯傳信,2010。(with S. K. Lee)
- 《香港基督徒職場倫理判斷行為建模:「多項分類回歸方程」的應用》. Working Paper Series, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 2007. (with S. K. Lee)
- 〈跨業集團經營模式對市場經濟的影響 — 香港超級市場個案研究〉,《市場經濟發展:國際視角與中國經驗》,王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2006年4月,第321 – 341頁。 (with S. K. Lee)
- 〈從全球區域經濟整合看東亞與東北亞自由貿易區的建構〉,《區域經濟合作:CEPA與珠三角及長三角》,饒美蛟、李思名、施岳群主編,香港:商務印書館,2006,第412 – 433頁。(本文曾於2004年11月27日,在南韓濟州島,由日本National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA) 舉行的 The 8th Scholarship Conference on East Asian Economy –“Toward an East Economic Community”中發表,文章已被譯為日文收錄於NIRA《第八回東亞經濟學術會議論文集》;並於2005年2月收錄於《開放導報》,第1期,總118期,第43 – 50頁。) (with M. K. Nyaw)
- 〈香港與內地經濟融合的實證檢驗〉,《CEPA與新世紀的內地香港經濟關係》,王躍生、張德修、李樹甘主編,北京:中國發展出版社,2005年1月,第18 – 39頁。(with S. K. Lee)
- 《跨業集團經營模式對市場經濟的影響:香港超級市場個案研究》. Working Paper Series, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 2005. (with S. K. Lee)
- 《粵港經濟關係互為影響的實證研究》. Working Paper Series, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 2005. (with S. K. Lee)
- 〈從歐盟和北美自由貿易區的形成看「東亞自由貿易區」的籌建〉,《東盟、日本與中國人:地區經貿合作》,林華生、饒美蛟主編,新加坡:世界科技出版公司,2003,第37 – 65頁。(本文於2001年11月3日,在東京早稻田大學舉行的「第七屆中華經濟協作系統國際會議:日本與東亞經濟重整」中發表。) (with M. K. Nyaw)
- 〈全球化、數位革命和中國「入世」下的香港經濟發展戰略性思考〉,《再創中國經濟奇蹟》,胡耀蘇、劉美珣主編,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2000,第298 – 308頁。(with S. K. Lee)
- 〈論香港區域諮詢制度之發展歷史及其政經功能〉,《亞洲研究》,2000,第37期,第260 – 271頁。(with M. K. Nyaw)
- 〈香港與內地產業發展的關聯度分析及兩地合作發展服務產業策略〉,《香港與內地服務產業鏈策論》,《建立香港與內地服務產業鏈的戰略構思與對策研究》課題組主編,北京:中國經濟出版社,2000,第197 – 226頁。(with S. K. Lee)
- 〈農本思想與中國現代化〉,《中國經濟改革與社會結構調整》,胡耀蘇、陸學藝主編,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2000,第544 – 556頁。(with S. W. Sung)
- 〈南北關係、全球化與可持續發展〉,《大波動:世界經濟全球化的衝擊》,張德修、王躍生、巫寧耕主編,北京:經濟日報出版社,1999,第293 – 309頁。 (with S. K. Lee)
- A Brief History of Chinese Industrial Reform from 1978 to 1989. Shue Yan Economic Journal, 1994, 35 – 42.
- To Investigate Unit Roots, Cointegration and Error Correction Model Via Testing Efficient Market Hypothesis. Shue Yan Economic Journal, 1994, 20 – 8.
- An Empirical Study of Behaviour of Exchange Rates before and after the Linked Exchange Rate System in Hong Kong. Shue Yan Economic Journal, 1991.
- Disequilibrium Model: The Empirical Study of the Relationship between the Demand-Supply of Housing and its Price in Hong Kong. Shue Yan Economic Journal, 1991.
- 《中國物價上漲初探》(主編),香港:香港樹仁學院,1989。
Conference and Seminar
- The Relationship Between Monetary Power and Monetary Strategy: An Initial Exploration of Defense Monetary Economics (in Chinese), Conference on the 2024 China World Economy Society Annual Conference and Youth Forum: "Technology, Finance, Geopolitics, and the Future of the World Economy” , organized by The China World Economy Society, at Guangzhou Business School from November 15 – 17, 2024.
- The Economic Outlook For Hong Kong Amidst the Tense Relationship Between China and the United States, Seminar on “How Will the US Election Impact Hong Kong’s Economy”, organized by Hung Research Centre for Hong Kong and Globalization, at CUHK Business School, Bank of America Tower, Central, Hong Kong, November 4, 2024.
- The Impact of the Sino-US Struggle on the Linked Exchange Rate System and Countermeasures: A Currency Issue of "a Fox Stole a Tiger's Power" (in Chinese), The International Conference on Hong Kong Studies from Cross-disciplinary Perspective, co-organized by Hong Kong Shue Yan University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 23-24, 2023.
- The Impact of China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement on Regional Development (in Chinese), Conference Proceedings of International Conference Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Hong Kong: Shue Yan University, 2019, 82 – 100.
- The Impact of “Belt and Road” on the ASEAN Countries. Presentation at the 1st International Penang Forum: The Belt & Road Initiative and Southeast Asia, Penang, Malaysia, 24 – 26 March 2017.
- The Impact of Home Ownership Scheme on Hong Kong Property Market from 1997 to 2012. Presentation at the 8th Annual Conference of The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong held at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 8 – 9 March 2013. (with Steven Liu)
- Causality Between Economic Freedom and Growth. Presentation at International Conference on “The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Hayek Society: The Relevance of F.A. Hayek on China’s Economy and Society”, organized by The Chinese Hayek Society; Department of Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Department of Economics, Feng Chia University and National Tsing Hua University; Department of Sociology and Department of Business Administration. In Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, China, 6 – 7 August 2010. (with S.K. Lee & K. Y. Woo)
- The Impact of Multi-Industrial Business Model on The Market Economy: Case Study of Hong Kong Supermarket. Presentation at Academic Conference on “Development of Market Economy in China under the International Context”, by Institute for International Economic Research, Beijing University. In Beijing University Beijing, China, 6 – 7 August 2005 (with S.K. Lee)
- Recent Development of Workplace Theology: Observation and Comments. Presentation at Academic Conference on “Academic Research: Reflection from a Christian Perspective”(The 1st Conference on the Integration on Faith and Academic Studies), by Hong Kong Christian Scholars Fellowship; Fellowship of Evangelical Students; Graduates Christian Fellowship of Hong Kong. In City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 10 June 2004.
- Empirical Study of Ethical Behavior of Hong Kong Christian in Workplace. Presentation at Academic Conference on “Academic Research: Reflection from a Christian Perspective”(The 1st Conference on the Integration on Faith and Academic Studies), by Hong Kong Christian Scholars Fellowship; Fellowship of Evangelical Students; Graduates Christian Fellowship of Hong Kong. In City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 10 June 2004. (with S.K.Lee)
- Prospects of Establishing a Free Trade Area in East Asia (10+3) from the Experiences of Formation of European Union and North America Free Trade Area. Presentation at International Symposium on “Restructuring the Japanese and East Asian Economies” (The 7th Meeting of the Co-ordination System for Chinese Economies), by The Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies at Waseda University, Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies at Lingnan University and Hong Kong Society of Asia-Pacific 21. In Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 3 – 4 November 2001. (with Nyaw Mee-kau)
- The Strategy of Hong Kong Economic Development under the Situation of Globalization, Digital Revolution and WTO Effect. Presentation at International Conference on “WTO needs China, China needs WTO”, by Contemporary China Research Centre at Hong Kong Shue Yan College, Twenty-first Century Institute at Tsinghua University, Research Institute of Economics at Tsinghua University and Enterprises Cooperative Committee at Tsinghua University. In Hong Kong Shue Yan College, Hong Kong, China, 2 – 3 March 2000. (with S.K. Lee)
- Idea of Agricultural Principle with the Constraint of Structure Change in China Economy. Presentation at International Conference on “China’s Economic Reform and Adjustment of Social Structures”, by Contemporary China Research Centre at Hong Kong Shue Yan College and Institute of Sociology at The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In Hong Kong Shue Yan College, Hong Kong, China, 8 – 10 July 1999 (with Sung Shee-wu)
Consultancy Reports
- A Study on the Youth Competitiveness Indicator System in Hong Kong (in Chinese) commissioned by the Commission on Youth (CoY), HKSAR. 2015. (with S.K. Lee, Rita Y. M. Li, K. Y. Woo and Researchers of Business, Economic and Public Policy Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University)
- 《法定最低工資條例對香港營商環境影響問卷調查研究報告》,香港:香港樹仁大學,商業、經濟及公共政策研究中心,2012 年5月。(with S. K. Lee)
- 《「香港基督徒職場倫理行為研究」調查報告 2003》,香港:香港專業人才服務機構,2004。(with W. F. Szeto, S.K. Lee & C. F. Lam)
- 《「東北亞自由貿易區」研究與調查報告》,香港:香港工業專業評審局,2003。(with M. K. Nyaw)
- 《「香港玩具業之經營、外部營商環境與發展前景」調查報告》,香港:香港玩具廠商會與嶺南大學香港商學研究所,2001。(with M. K. Nyaw)