- Professor Tony Yu, Former Head of the Department, Passes Away
- Seminar: Sustainability and ESG Rating Standard
- Bloomberg Training Workshop (2024)
- Dr. Philip Lee shared his views at Dive In 2024, Chartered Insurance Institute Hong Kong
- 經濟及金融學系學生於杭州學習交流團短視頻競賽榮獲季軍
- Shue Yan E&F Alumni Series – Barry Gong
- Shue Yan E&F Alumni Series – Brian Chung
- Our student won the Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research Proposal Award
- Career Sharing - Unveil the Secrets of Fintech for the Banking Industry
- 第九屆家庭學術研究發布論壇2024 圓桌會議
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2023
- Bloomberg Training Workshop
- 香港樹仁大學校友會2023年特別會員大會暨講座及小茶聚
- 中山青少年實習團 - CEO接班人見習生
- [Open to enrolment] HKCGI Corporate Governance Paper Competition and Presentation Awards 2023
- 【不同家庭成員眼中的父親角色】~ 全港大型爸爸角色研究 2023
- The Personal Finance Ambassador Program 2023 #We Money
- Admissions Open 2023-24 MPhil/PhD Programmes
- 黃福建老師獲得2022年投資者及理財教育獎(教學 - 教師組)
- Research Excellence – World Top 2% Scientists
- FinTech Students Won the Championship of Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2022
- Shue Yan E&F Alumni Series – Angie Cheung
- 香港樹仁大學經濟及金融學系歡迎信
- 嘉賓分享講座 -「央行數字貨幣、數字資產和元宇宙發展前瞻」
- 經融系宮一凡同學獲美國康乃爾大學錄取修讀理學碩士課程
- 李樹甘博士研究建立量度「結構效率」的統一框架
- 網上講座 - 元宇宙.創新、應用與發展
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2021
- 《商學院通訊》Commerce Newsletter 第二期
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2019
- Plenary Lectures at the 15th International Conference on Game Theory and Management
- Shue Yan E&F Alumni Series – Kenny Tai
- 國際學術會議:電子商務企業、金融科技、金融監管
- 仁大「金融才俊培育中心」舉行開幕典禮
- 樹仁50周年校慶全年慶祝活動隆重展開 ‧ 堅持仁者教育初心 追求創新與突破
- Talk - Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- 《商學院通訊》Commerce Newsletter 第一期
- 胡佳賢博士的一帶一路國家經濟融合研究
- 樹仁大學在 2021 年 Q S 亞洲大學排名中躍升
- 樹仁大學獲友邦慈善基金支持 全日制一年級學生於本學年可申請「友邦獎學金」
- Seminar - Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in e-Discovery
- Seminar - Digital marketing + Fintech Development during COVID-19 situation and going forward!
- Seminar - Digital Marketing: ONLINE VS OFFLINE
- 專題講座 - 金融業的新方向:金融科技
- Seminar: Space Tourism, Space Commercialization and the Development of Space Law
- 專題講座: 電商之難
- 金融科技課程納入指定專業/界別課程資助計劃 2021年起經由聯招收生
- An Invitation to Develop Your Career in Governance Profession
- 2021/22學年指定專業/界別課程資助計劃
- 仁大啟用3個先進大數據及數碼實驗室
- 仁大獲政府撥款2200萬元增強網上教學
- 經濟及金融學系新任系主任楊榮基教授專訪
- Shue Yan E&F Alumni Series – Andyson Wong
- HKSI Institute Scholarship Programme 2020
- CFA Institute Research Challenge 2019-20
- 香港青年總裁協會優異實習表現獎
- Launch of a FinTech programme
- 開辦金融科技學士學位課程
- 校友專訪:司徒聖豪博士
- 仁大12個研究式碩士和博士學位課程招生
- 李綺雯博士推動人工智慧和智慧城市的研究
- 袁偉基博士的電子商務企業、金融科技及金融監管項目獲研究資助局撥款
- Shue Yan E&F Alumni Series – Thomas Tsang & Kenrick Yeung
- Lecture capture system, Panopto, introduced to enhance learning
- 仁大與愛訊集團簽訂備忘錄建立機械人及大數據實驗室
- Shue Yan E&F Alumni Series – Lokki Mak, JP Morgan
- “敦仁博物”的美好注釋 —— 致香港樹仁大學的感謝信及常務副校監的覆函
- CFA Institute Research Challenge 2018-19
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2018
- CFA Institute Research Challenge 2017-18
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2017
- HKIB Top candidates Prize Ceremony, 2017
- Regional Winner - “Junior Nobel Prize”
- CFA Institute Research Challenge 2016-17
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2015
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of The Year Award 2014
- CFA Institute Research Challenge 2014
- 經融系將新增金融科技實習職位
- CFA Institute Research Challenge 2019-20
Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) Top candidates Prize Ceremony, 2017
Ms Cheng Ka Yi (2017 graduate) achieved the highest score in the subject "Banking Services and Professional Ethics" of the HKIB's Associateship Examination in Auguest 2016, and was awarded with Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Prize.