Plenary Lectures

at the

15th International Conference on Game Theory and Management

Professor David Yeung (Head, E&F) and Professor Leon Petrosyan (Co-Director of SRS Consortium) along with 2005 Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Robert Aumann were invited as plenary speakers at the 15th International Conference on Game Theory and Management, 23-25 June 2021.

Professor Yeung’s plenary lecture gave a disquisition on the advances in theory, techniques and applications of the new paradigm of durable-strategies dynamic games.

Professor Aumann’s plenary lecture synthesized mainstream and behavioral economics to reconcile the theoretically rational mainstream framework with behavior under bounded rationality.

Professor Petrosyan’s plenary lecture provided a discourse of differential games on networks with a novel network system.

The Conference has a history of having distinguished plenary speakers – including Nobel laureates like John Nash, Roger Myerson, Finn Kydland and Eric Maskin - to disseminate frontier works.




楊榮基 (David Yeung) 教授(經融系系主任)和 彼得羅相 (Leon Petrosyan) 教授(SRS 高研平台聯席總監)以及 二OO五年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主奧曼 (Robert Aumann) 教授應邀在 2021 6 23 日至 25 日舉行的第十五屆博弈論與管理學國際會議上擔任全體講座的嘉賓講者。




大會歷屆邀請傑出的講座嘉賓講者——包括約翰·納什 (John Nash)、羅傑·邁爾森 (Roger Myerson)、芬恩·基德蘭 (Finn Kydland) 和埃里克·馬斯金 (Eric Maskin) 等諾貝爾獎得者 —— 就尖端研究成果發表報告。


Professor Robert Aumann

(2005 Economics Nobel Laureate)



Professor Leon Petrosyan

(SRS Consortium Co-director)


(SRS 高研平台聯席總監)

Professor David Yeung

(Head, E&F)

